Unlocking New Value


MEQ LIVE solution is purpose-built to provide feedlots and breeders with the key Yield and Marbling traits throughout the life of the animal.

This objective and highly accurate data are available for the first time.

Rib Eye Area, Marbling, Rib Fat (12th Rib)

All provided in real-time


(+1) 917 881 8971


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We have reinvented a known technology

Cutting edge hardware and algorithms to enable a new opportunity

Raw Image from animal

Algorithm automatically segments key traits

The same animal - ground-truthed in carcass assessment

How MEQ Live unlocks new value


    Used through the life of the animal to capture Yield and Marbling data

  • Data Insights

    Our bespoke service allows you to take advantage of the data being created within your business

Product Overview

The MEQ Live

Eye Muscle Area, Marbling, Rib Fat, P8 provided in real-time

Built to be used at the race of a feedlot - installed in a few days, delivering data within a week

Capture point in time and predicted future carcase values whilst still in the feedlot

Works with any breed and number of days on feed

Easy to operate. From novice to expert in only a few hours - no prior knowledge needed

Ready for deployment and use, already being adopted by industry

MEQ Live in operation


MEQ Live Overview

How MEQ Live unlocks new value in beef

Use Yield and Marbling values to understand more about the animal performance

Know if feed conversion is driving High value (Rib Eye Area, Mb) or Low Value (Rib Fat) performance

Feed data back to breeding and genetics for superior performance

MEQ Live Overview

Deliver a consistent product with efficiency built in

Capture data to identify the best animals for breeding with a much higher degree of accuracy

Optimize days on feed without sacrificing performance - major economic impact

Know the impact of genetics Vs feed/environment on animal performance

Segment into brands and sales opportunities during the life of the animal

How MEQ Works

  • Hardware MEQ LIVE

    Bespoke solution to fit the workflow
    Removes human error, and provides the highest quality data. No knowledge is needed to use the device. Traits are provided within 8 seconds.

  • Ultrasound Image Segmented

    Processed in real-time
    Ultrasound images are captured and processed in real-time to enable the machine learning models to segment the images

  • Traits Provided

    AI Algorithms
    Algorithms provide Yield and Marbling traits in real-time

  • Traits Utilized

    Immediate use of data
    Produces real-time, objective Yield and Marbling outputs for the customer to make decisions immediately and feed into internal IT systems

MEQ Live technical specifications

Hardware system


15” x 13” x 9.5”

Power requirements
Stand power socket

The system is WIFI or ethernet compatible

IP66 rating to allow for high pressure and chemical cleaning


Can interface with feedlot existing animal identification system

Integrates with your IT infrastructure

Constant and live user feedback for easy usage

Inbuilt maintenance diagnostics

Install and training

Installation time
2 days

Average training time
2-3 hours

Product Overview

Data Insights

Helping to unlock greater margins and transformative business value

Our bespoke service allows you to take advantage of the data being created within your business.

We understand your industry because we built a software and AI team around the red meat supply chain.

We have a team of developers experienced in taking data and providing reporting and analytics to enable you to make better decisions within your current workflow.  

We provide this as an open ended service at no cost because we are 100% committed to delivering a transformational experience for you.

MEQ's engineering team has a vast experience in some of the worlds leading companies and has a deep understanding of machine learning, signal processing, data analytics and AI.


Unlocking New Value

Contact us for more information
(+1) 917 881 8971